Monday, July 18, 2016

Birthday Soakings

Hello Everyone!!!
Wow I can't believe my parents are in Europe! You're a continent closer to me now! Woo! :D This week was sweet for many reasons. It was kind of a blur, all these days are just mixing together like a frog in a blender! (Wait, isn't that a snocone flavor?) But I laughed and smiled a lot as well which is always wonderful. Also My brother Tanner's birthday was on Tuesday. Happy Birthday Tan!

It was also my companion's birthday yesterday on Sunday! So we had a blast. On Saturday the other elders made him his favorite Joaloff Rice and Fried Chicken. It was so good! We even had ice cream afterwards! So we had lots of fun. Then on Sunday members fed us Fufu with light soup and chicken which is his only other favorite food here. Then after that we were invited by another member who is infamus, Infamous? Infamous for feeding you till you pop. He not just famous, he's infamous. So he came out with a plate of bread slices for each companionship, then he came out with a bowl of beans for each person. It was really good beans with really good stew mixed in it as well as something called garry that makes it thicker and crunchy. The problem was that every time you almost finish the bowl he comes by with another small bowl and pours it on your bowl... So just imagine eating a loaf of bread and a bowl and a big bowl and a half of re-fried bean kind of... That's what I did. After that they soaked my companion so bad with water. He was soaked. Afterwards the other members who fed us fufu wanted to get him wet too so we went there as well where they got him good again.  

As for teaching wise, everything is doing great. If everything goes well, we will have 5 baptisms this week! One is our recent convert's daughter. Then someone named Samuel and his twin sons. Then Michael! So we'll be busy this week! But we had one lesson where we brought a member to Eyoko (The Togolese woman) which was a great lesson because the member was able to teach her in her language and hive her own experience. The only way to fully convert someone is if the members help. Like we taught Samuel with our recent convert David and now they are best friends and now David will be able to baptize his daughter as well as his best friend and his boys. I'm so grateful that we get to help these people come unto Christ. I also know that members are the key to conversion and that every member should be a missionary :) I know this is Christ's gospel and that we are so privileged to have it and to be a part of this great work. I love you all so much and I hope you all have a great week! 
We found a monkey leashed on the back of a truck!
We fed it a mango and banana!

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