Monday, September 28, 2015

New Fans!

Hello Everyone!

This week was longer than usual it felt like, but I learned so much!
So I only have two more weeks of training! Then I will be expected to do everything by myself! So that's crazy and exciting. I was wondering what were Dad, Redge, and Austin's experiences with training and taking charge in their areas and what not :) But this week, I will be doing all the planning, leading in the lessons, and everything else! So it's stressful but I know I will learn so much!

Grace's baptism went really great! After a whole year of investigating the church she finally took that leap of faith! I really hope that I will be able to see their sealing next year! I would be so grateful. We have another baptism in two weeks, then another the week after that! The people here are so prepared for the gospel it's crazy! I am so grateful for my companion and for his patience with me! He helps me learn so much. We also had one investigator named Ben who is crazy good with the bible and who loved the church! So hopefully he will keep progressing!
As for your questions about conference, since I’m by the capital city, on Sunday we will drive after church to the stake center in Accra and watch it so I will be able to which is great! As a missionary you get twice as excited for conference as you do at home! It was sad that Elder Scott passed away. It's crazy that they will announce three new apostles this week! But yes I will be going to conference during the evening. Which I’m very grateful for :D

We had a surprise last Monday when Elder Morris who is the other white guy in our apartment, got called as an office elder. So now Elder Conduanne lives with us! He is from Mozambique and speaks Portuguese! He is the first person from that country to come to the Ghana Accra mission which is sweet. He is also 25 which is Redge's age so that was weird at first but he is awesome. He's been out for 4 months but is great at English for not knowing it before! So now I am the only white man in the apartment!
Another surprise that happened this week was that the mission gave us full size rechargeable fans that are controlled from a remote! So even when the power is out we can sleep fine! SUCH a blessing! So that baby battery fan I brought will be nice to just set on by desk :)
I heard lots of American music this week for some reason, I heard one from the guy who sings "I don't know much" which made me laugh. I also heard the Hercules song "I won't say I’m in love." and "Eternal Flame." I also heard country music which made me a little homesick for some reason! But it was good!

One more funny experience. We were at a members house whose name is Sheeva teaching her sister whose name is Ramma. We love to sing hymns during our lessons so we thought it would be fun to sing one at the end just for fun. When we sang it was so off key I started laughing and couldn't stop. In fact I laughed till I cried which doesn't happen often!  Good thing they are our friends and laughed with me, otherwise I would have gotten yelled at. I don't know why off tune singing makes me laugh, but I should probably control that urge :)
I learned so much this week and I’m both nervous and excited for this week as I take charge of everything. But I know this is what I am supposed to be doing and that missionary work is so divine. I love having the opportunity to study scriptures for an hour a day at least! I know so much that this church is true and that it blesses families. So don't worry about me, I am doing fine! I am learning every day, eating authentic food, riding bikes, and teaching the gospel! I love this work so much, I can't wait till the time I can be used to everything missionary work wise, and just work and work! Thank you all for your great emails and love, I feel your prayers and am glad you are all doing well :)

Answers to question: So I am not in the bush, I am in the Greater Accra region which means I am close to the city so I have power quite a bit especially since we live by a hospital! So yes, my fridge does work, we don't really store fruits or anything though because they would spoil if the power came off. :)

Culture Fact: People don't think some of the swear words we know are swear words. But they consider the word "nonsense" offensive which was funny to me :)

Have a great week everyone! I love you all. The church is so true and it is growing everywhere!

love -Elder Ballard

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