Monday, October 12, 2015

Last week as Trainee

Hello Everyone!

This week was super challenging but I have learned so much! This week was the last week with Elder Ajayi and I am going to miss him so much! He has taught me so many things and I owe him everything I am as a missionary! But it is exciting that I will get a new companion this week! I'm going to learn so much from training! Anyways, I really felt all of your prayers this week, I was super stressed about learning everything about training and my bike broke in the middle of the road and other crazy things :) But I know that Christ has felt my stress, and my grief. I know that God works in mysterious ways and that he wants us to learn by challenges sometimes! This week, there were some people who insulted me and made fun of me but it was in their native language so I never knew until after. So whenever they did I would just smile and say "good afternoon!" :D so I think that's a good attitude to have in our lives. When people are angry, just listen, then be nice and smile! I'm sorry if this letter is more random than usual :) At church we had 5 investigators show up, which was great! Elder Ajayi bore his testimony and it was just a good Sunday! One of these pictures is of me and Elder Ajayi, then the other is me and Kwame (Quamie) who is getting baptized next week! 

Thank you everyone for all of your letters and support, they mean so much to me and they keep me rejuvenated to serve even harder! Hopefully next week I will have more to write about! One cool thing that happened is that it rained like 15 inches in one day. But the cooler thing is that we helped a little kid cross a canal that was more full because of the rain! He went up to the stepping stones carrying his back pack and umbrella and started to cry. We carried him across and we felt like heroes :D. I love not only being a servant to God, but being a servant to others! I am coming to love the Ghanaian people so much! They are so nice and loving. I love the food too! It will be fun to make fun of my companion this week when he tries to eat the food! just kidding :) I love this gospel so much! It is the only way to be happy. The only way! Missionary work could not function without the help of the Lord. There would be no success without the Lord! I know indeed that Christ not only suffered for our sins, but he suffered for our feelings of stress, grief, heartbreak, and self disappointment! I know that God loves us! He knows what is best for us! All we have to do is follow him! :) In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

By the way I received all of the fam's FHE letters to me and they made my day! Letters are so great because you don't get them on Monday so it's like a reminder that someone is always there! :D

Questions answered:
There is more black missionaries than white, (but it is pretty close and it changes. sometimes.)
No the malaria medicine hasn't given me problems. :)
I don't know what the mosquito nets are made out of!
It is probably like 95 degrees all the time but I have gotten used to it.
I do talk slow and accented with T’s when I teach lessons :)
I haven't gotten an accent, I just use a different vocabulary.

Culture: The hardest culture shock for me was to see that Moms usually beat their children to obey. It's really hard to not stop them sometimes, but maybe that is why everyone is so nice because they listen to their moms? I'm not sure. But most of the time members don't beat their children :D

I love you Family! Keep doing great things! :D Pacho Byo!

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