Monday, April 25, 2016


Hey Everyone!!!

This week was one of those weeks where you teach a lesson, look at your watch and realize you’re emailing again. I would love to dedicate this letter to my wonderful Mother Wendi. Because it was her birthday and she is now... Thirty three years old!! I can't even put into words of how much love and respect I have for Mom. I think if anyone goes on a mission they really see how much their Mother has done for them. I loved the quote of Elder Holland that said "No other love comes closer to the pure love of Christ than that of a Mother to her child." I am truly what I am today because of my Mom. I could write a whole letter about Mom but Mother's Day is also coming up and so I'll save the rest for then!

This week was awesome! We worked our tails off and it was literally "Hotter than a Banshee on the 4th of July" and this time I mean it! I have never seen so much sweat in my life. But it was such a satisfying week. At the beginning of the week we were just focusing on the members and stuff. But on Friday we got a call from the ZLs that we need to get five new investigators by Sunday. At the time we had one. A new investigator is someone new who lets you have a lesson with them. So you either have to get referrals from members or go out and talk to random people. So we did both! In the end we got two referrals, and finally got to teach a whole family! Which was a first time experience for me and it was so fun. So by Sunday we had eleven investigators; which means we overachieved our goal. This week I really learned that if we set realistic goals, we will be able to achieve them, as long as we have a strong motivation. It felt so satisfying to overachieve our goal and I know that If you put the Lord first that he will help you achieve our goals in life. No matter if it is spiritual, physical, or educational. I know these things are true. I know that we have the true gospel and that following Christ is the only way to be happy. I love you all so much and I hope you all have a great week!

Side topics:
It was also fun to have a new companion Elder Howland. He is a really hard worker and is a great guy. (picture attached.)
We also got to go to the Accra mall today! We ate chicken sandwiches and even had piece of Chocolate cake! My body is really not used to sugar or meat at all but it was still so good! The cake was the hardest thing to eat though, my body could barely hack the sugar! It will be an interesting experience when I come home! :D
Here's a picture of me fanning charcoal to cook soup!

Thanks again everyone!

Love, Elder Ballard

Fanning the charcoal to make soup!
New companion Elder Howland


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