Monday, September 5, 2016

The Joys of Salad!

Hello Everyone!

Thanks so much for your wonderful emails!!! I'm glad that you all had a great time at the Hunt reunion and it's crazy and exciting that I'll be coming next year! Plus I'm so excited to have another niece when I get home!!! Congrats Natalee and Dylan! You'll be such amazing parents!
This week went really well! The sun started coming out a little more but "[Sweat] it the work" right? Our recent convert Samuel gave us some more people he knew for us to teach which was amazing! When we were out teaching with him we passed one of his friends who sells vegetables, her name was Blessing. When he saw her he told her something in Ewe (Another Ghanaian/Togolese Language.) then we went back to his house. When we were back his phone rang, after he answered and hung up he said "Your salad is ready." Man I was so excited! It's been over year since I've had a salad! So then we went and she had this huge container full of chopped lettuce,cabbage,onions, and carrots. On Sunday evening I remembered that I brought ranch dressing powder from home, so I boiled some eggs and mixed my own ranch dressing! Man it's been a while! I enjoyed it so much!
Anyways, enough about my American food attempts.  
This week was so cool since the branch got to go to the temple! We weren't allowed to which was a bummer. But like I said last week, the Aziatre went for their sealing on that day! So on Saturday evening we went and visited them. When we got there, there was a whole new feeling in their home. Everyone was so happy and you could just feel a peace in their home and know that their family, if their righteous, can be together forever. :) When we saw brother Aziatre he said "I've never been to heaven before. But the temple was the closest thing I've ever experienced to heaven." Sister Aziatre said the same thing. You could really see the love of the family just glow through everyone. The spirit really confirmed to me that the temple is the house of God and that families really are meant to be eternal! I am so grateful to be sealed to my family and I'm excited to be sealed to my future wife and children as well! On Sunday the whole testimony meeting was centered on temples. Recent converts went for their first time, some people got their own endowments, and even some little primary kids bore their testimonies which doesn't really happen here. I love playing the keyboard in church too. I just love the gospel and everything inside it. I can tell you that God indeed lives and that Jesus Christ is indeed our Savior. The Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith was a prophet, and this church is the only true church on the earth. I love you all and I'm so grateful for this calling and experience!

Me and my companion having a lunch of Banku :D
We had a zone activity today and I got to see my trainer Elder Ajayi before he returns home next week!

Cleaning the font

       Twi of the week:

When I'm getting a taxi and they give me an outrageous price I say:
Woh yeh sheh sheh neim "You like separation" (You're racist) then they laugh :)
Thanks again, have a great week!

-Elder Ballard 

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