Monday, August 29, 2016

Baptism and Sister Arthur

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for all the wonderful and exciting emails! I'm so grateful for them! This week was a stressful one but in the end everything was awesome! We were trying to prepare our two candidates for baptism. (Daniel and Robert) So at the end of the week on Saturday we were able to have a great baptism for our dear brother Daniel who is an 18 year old and is staying with a member family, plus a child of record that is in the same family! Her name is Mary :D Daniel had such a desire to go to the temple trip that he wanted to be baptized on Saturday so he could be confirmed before this coming Saturday. I got to baptize him! so I'm glad that we had such a wonderful chance to participate in his baptism.

After the baptism we remembered that a member who was sick called and wanted us to give her a blessing and so we made our way there. When we were there, the member (Her name is Sister Arthur) was surprised to see us. We said she had a cold and that she was tired but that she didn't really desire a blessing. We were a little confused but offered to share a scripture with her. She enthusiastically let us in and we had a wonderful lesson. We didn't really prepare anything so it was an impromptu lesson. After the opening prayer Elder Howland opened Amos 3:7 and we learned about latter-day prophets and revelation. Sister Arthur had a wonderful testimony of our prophets and apostles and shared it with us. We both felt the spirit so strong, it was like a warm peaceful blanket fell over all of us. Then me and my companion bore our testimonies as well. As we were about to close the lesson, Sister Arthur then told us: "Thank you so much for coming to my place tonight. Sometimes the spirit is strong but our bodies are tired and sick. But I believe that the word of God is like a medicine to us. (she began to weep) I was not expecting you this evening. But I know that it was the spirit of the Lord that led you to my house and that the word that has come out of your mouths has healed me. I thank you and my Heavenly Father so much, thank you...thank you." :)
It turned out that the person who called us was a totally different member with the same name! God truly works in mysterious ways.
As she bore this witness to us, it was as if the warm blanket that was over us began to glow with even more warmth and truth in our hearts! This is one of those experiences of my mission that I won't ever forget. It humbled me so much and taught me that I sometimes take missionary work for granted and that I need to remember the importance of my calling at all times. I also felt like I wasn't worthy to be an instrument in God's hands at that moment. I am very far away from being perfect, but it was such a testimony to me that God uses the weak and simple to accomplish great things! That's how we all are as members and missionaries alike! We are all weak and simple but through the priesthood and our callings God uses us to accomplish his will. :) I will never view my mission in the same way ever again. I am so grateful to be here and I know this is God's kingdom on the earth. I know God uses the weak and simple to accomplish great things.

Sunday was a wonderful experience as well! Robert who hasn't been confirmed because of exams came as well and so there were 3 confirmations! I really felt the spirit as they were being confirmed and I know that it was recorded in heaven. I love playing the keyboard so much in church! The speakers in my chapel are hooked up to the keyboard which is a pretty rare case in Ghana. So I'll keep enjoying and I am so glad to serve in any way I can. I love you all and I am so grateful to be here! Have a great week!

Twi of the Week:
Wy ar day paa (Why are dey Pah) "You've done well."

Love you most! Have a great week!

-Elder Ballard

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