Monday, March 27, 2017

Great week, Tons o' Pictures!

Hello one and all! :D 

Thanks so much for your emails! They made my heart melt a little! I'm so happy to hear that everything is doing great for you guys! 

Elder Cook and Ballard
Things are just fetching peachy here in Suhum. We're working till we sweat and teaching till our throats hurt! It's so nice to have a companion that knows why he's here! We had tons of great lessons! Once we were walking down a road that we usually take and then this old man said "Wait! Can I have a pamphlet?" So we went up to him and he said "Oh oh sit down, you are welcome!" He then introduced himself and said his name is Uncle Sam. Which made us smile. :) But he's a really cool guy who is really searching for the truth. He doesn't understand why all the churches in Ghana reward the rich but don't give to the poor, and he also asked what makes our church different. So I felt like it was okay to introduce the Book of Mormon to him. He was really interested and so we gave him a copy. He said "You mean this is another scripture that's not in the bible? And it's for me?" and we said "That's right." So we're excited to see how he progresses. Then we also taught Joyce who will be baptized on April 1st, (Mom and Dad's anniversary) which is exciting. The other elders will baptize one too, but they both want me to be the baptist so I'll do it :) 

We also taught a lady named Lizzy who is pretty cool. Her pastor was sitting not too far away which was kinda funny. We wanted to talk to him so bad. I'm at the point of seeing other pastors as primary kids, all they know is faith and repentance, everything else is false doctrine. So yeah! It's so nice to have the truth because you can't be confounded before men because the gospel is true! It's nice not to fear anyone anymore :) After we taught Lizzy she showed us some other people who weren't really serious, they were complaining that our pamphlets weren't in Twi and stuff. But then a guy came up and asked us questions and eventually was super interested in the Book of Mormon. So we also gave him one. The cool thing about him is that he stopped going to church because of all the contradictions, so I think God has really given us some prepared people. But I'm feeling that It's my luck that right when I get people to teach I'll get transferred again. But it's all the same work! So wherever God needs me is the best. We'll see. 
We also ate lots of good food this week! Fufu with light soup, Kenke and Salsa, and rice! I love food so much. 

Also on Sunday an hour before church started the branch president texted us and said "Oh I forgot to tell you, it's missionary Sunday so all 4 of you are giving talks in sacrament meeting today." So that was funny. I was assigned to talk on sacrament which was really cool! It's fun that God knew I wasn't prepared but put the words I knew in my mouth. It's really humbling to give a talk. That's what I love about this church is that it humbles you all the time. :) Then to humble me even more, the single adults and the missionaries did a musical number of Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd. I had to sing a soloish thing along with playing the keyboard at the same time, but it went okay. After church like 20 people wanted to join and make a choir so that's a blessing. 

Well loved ones. That's my week :) I'm so happy to be here, I love living in a place where everyone can greet you and wish you a good afternoon. I love this work and I'm so humbled to be called to this office. I love you all and I can testify that this church is true and that The Book of Mormon is true. Keep reading it everyday and you'll be fine. Love you and have a great week!

Here's a picture of my companion by the way, as well as some others.

Love you!

- Elder Ballard

My companion accidentally dipped his tie in a bowl of groundnut soup when we were at a chopbar. :P 

Here's me and my MTC mate from Australia, his name is Elder Fesolai

Getting ready for church

Here's me and one of our gym trainers. His name is Brooks.
He's a cool guy, he even said he'll come to the church soon! 

with cute member kids

a moth we found at chapel cleaning

a nice sunset

Here's an investigator named Obaa Yaa who sells bags in the market! 

the market

our Muslim robes

Me and the Elder's quorum president

Me and the branch clerk

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Week!

Dear Loved Ones :D

I hope your week was a great one! I know mine was! My new companion is so awesome! He's like Animal off of the Muppets! He has so much energy it amazes me! Even though it's tiring, I'm so happy in the work! I think Elder Cook is the best thing for me and Suhum! He has so much courage to just go up and talk to people! We also have set so many goals and are trying to find less actives finally! So in short, I'm so happy :) I finally feel like a real District Leader and that people listen to me! It's just so cool that God's work can never be frustrated.

Another miracle that happened is that on Tuesday my package with my camera and journal came!!! I couldn't believe it! It came in three weeks! That's so crazy! It was so fun to see my old camera again and remember all of its cool effects. I'll send you pictures next week since the cafe I'm at doesn't let me. It's so nice to have a camera again!
We are also teaching temple preparation in our branch! So that's been a blast! It was also Elder Cook's birthday on Sunday so we bought pizza today for him :) I can't believe March is almost done. Our baptism for sister Joyce will be on April 1st which is so exciting! I'm also excited to see where I'll get transferred. But even if I finish my mission here I'd be happy now that the work is going so well.
I'm getting to the point of just sitting back and enjoying Ghana and savoring the cool scenery while I can. I love these people so much. I'll miss them. But I know God will need me to go home as well. It's just fun to think over my whole mission and see how much I've changed. I've had so many life changing experiences that have really helped me. I just can't believe that I have a home in America! It feels like my experiences back home were like from a dream or something!

Anyways I'm just so happy to be here and not be stressed at all! The only stress is to preach the gospel which I’m totally fine with :)
In church we learned a lot about the creation. I shared with everyone that my Mom taught me that God could have gave us a cruddy world but he didn't. He gave us a beautiful world to live in, a world with trees, mountains, rivers, sunsets and more! It's amazing how a mission always brings things that your parents taught you back to your remembrance! God really took time in this world. He didn't take 6 days but 6 periods of time. It's such a blessing to look around and know that God loves us. There are so many examples of God's love everywhere. Whoever says the world isn't a happy place has never gone to our church before. It's so funny that the Jehovah Witnesses go around and preach that Satan is ruling the world and that everything is getting worse and worse. But thank goodness that we know that as the world gets worse, the church grows bigger and the gospel is spread further. Not only that but more Temples will be built.

Well loved ones, I love you! Just know I'm doing fine, I'm safe, I'm teaching the gospel as hard as I can, and I pray for all of you every day and night. Have a great week!

-Elder Ballard IV

Monday, March 13, 2017

Change Can Be Good

Heyo Family!!! 

Thanks for your emails :) they mean a lot! 

This week was kind of crazy but really really happy in the end! The work was getting harder and harder with my comp, I don't know why. It got to the point of me praying with the other elders in my apartment for him. The day we prayed my Mission President called and said "I'm just calling to tell you that you will have a new companion on Monday, and that you will show your new companion the area and then be transferred in April" I will consider that an answer to the prayer haha. One of our missionaries got reassigned to the UK so lots of other missionaries had to be transferred. To be honest I was happy, but I'll still miss Elder Joseph, I've learned so many good things from him. He taught me how to be better at cooking, he always shared everything he had with me, and he wasn't afraid of anything. So I'll miss him that way. I was with him for almost 6 months which never is really easy. So I think we had a good run. I'm excited for him to experience his next area. So I guess my second "son" is gone :) I'll be companions with Elder Cook who looks exactly like Frodo and is hilarious and a hard worker. I'm so excited for these next 4 weeks or so! I can finally work my tail off and also have peace of mind! 

So in short. I know that God knows how much we can handle. :) It's so cool that every companion/area you have, you learn something from it. 

Other than that we had a great Sunday! Joyce came to church and will be baptized on April 1st (Mom and Dad's anniversary!) So that's another reason I'm excited :) 

Also today marks in mission terms my "Training" to go home or my "[last] 12 weeks" instead of "my 1st 12 weeks". In other words If I trained someone right now, at the end of their training I would go home. I can't even believe it. It seems like yesterday I was starting my training! when you spend your whole life preparing for your mission, and then go, it flies by like nothing! I can't believe 2 years would be this short! But I'm convinced that these last 12 weeks will be my hardest working and most memorable ones. Especially without any more distractions! 

Well family, friends and acquaintances. I can testify to you that God hears our prayers. I understand more that God knows us more than he knows ourselves. I know that he will always put us in the best way for our salvation as long as we are obedient. I love you all and I'm grateful for all your support and love. Thank you and have a great week! 

-Elder Ballard
We don't take out the trash here- we burn it!

Saying goodbyes to Elder Joseph

Elder Ackley and I bought Muslim robes

pictures after church

Joyce will be baptized in April!

Practicing the keyboard--notice my shiny forehead? I just finished biking somewhere.

with our Branch President Richard Afasi

Monday, March 6, 2017

Parable of the Rotten Rice

Hello Everyone! I might not know where you are or what you are doing. But let me just say... Haaaay. (tangled)

But seriously I think this week was the best bundle of emails I've ever got on my mission. I just felt so much love and laughed my head off at the same time while reading them. Thanks Family, I love you guys so much!

Well... I guess this week I'll be 20 months a missionary. That's just messed up. I didn't think I would ever get this far. Not to mention that I'll go home when I'm 23 months. Man I didn't think my mission would fly like this! Anyways I'm glad I still have 3 months to enjoy Ghana and the people, food, work etc. But just like all you said, I miss you so much and I can't wait for the day where I will know that I gave it my all and that I did my part and then be able to see you :)
As for this week nothing much happened. But there are some fun things and lessons that were cool. Our apartment still isn't finished so some guys came and were laying tiles for the other elder's bathroom. So while we were there we were able to teach the gospel to them casually and just answer any questions from them. It was really cool. When they finished on Friday or so we gave them each a restoration pamphlet and a Book of Mormon.

We also had a really gross experience. Our elder's quorum president gave us a whole pot of joaloff rice after he found out we were robbed, which was nice of him. But the thing was, we didn't finish the thing. So the rice sat there for like 3 days. As it got older we just kept moving it farther away from the kitchen. Then one day we had enough. We had to get rid of the rancid thing. We were trying to figure out ways of doing it. Someone said we should just pour it over our compound wall (I won't mention the name of that person. His first name doesn't start with a K if you were wondering.) But Elder Ackley the wise said "Let's bury it as the weapons of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis of old" So that's what we did. Luckily we had a pick axe! So we used it to dig a hole in the far corner of our backyard. Then Ackley used his camera to take a video. I lifted the lid off the pot and it looked like nacho cheese at first but then I noticed the smell, and other fuzzy things that I won't mention. So I put my T-shirt over my nose and mouth then picked up the pot to the hole. As I was pouring it we were both laughing and gagging at the same time (Elder Ackley has the video) it was so bad. After we poured it inside, we buried it and put a tombstone there for remembrance. Even though it wasn't that pleasant, it was a fun experience that I'll always laugh about.

Now I know what you’re thinking. "Man all this guy is doing on his mission is dumping rotten food into holes all the time." But there's more to this experience, something spiritual. Something I learned from this experience is 1st. We can't procrastinate the day of our repentance. Sometimes we have bad habits or things that we need to change or throw away. (like that nasty pot of rice) If we keep putting it off, it will get moldy and fermented and harder to clean. It's the same with those habits we have. It's easier to remove them that moment than wait.
2nd. the only way to repent is through Christ. No matter how rancid our leftover rice will be it can always be cleansed again. That pot is now clean and in our quorum president's hands today, ready to hold food to feed us again as though nothing happened. That is how the atonement is. That's why we need to always repent everyday so that we can always be clean.

Mormon said:"...Turn ye unto the Lord; cry mightily unto the Father in the name of Jesus, that perhaps ye may be found spotless, pure, fair, and white, having been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, at that great and last day." (Mormon 9:6) I know that the atonement is true!

At the end of the week we had a great Sacrament Meeting, the spirit was really strong. I love testimony meetings because it reminds me that millions of Latter-Day Saints including my family are bearing their testimonies on the same day. During the last hour me and my companion taught primary which was crazy! African kids have so much energy it's crazy! But something cool is that I taught them the song "Give Said the Little Stream"! So that will be a sweet contribution to their lives, maybe they’ll remember me when they'll sing it. I wrote the lyrics on the white board than pointed to each word until they got it down. So fun! Also let me tell you that fasting in Africa is 65% harder to do. Especially the water part especially if you are a missionary! So we we're almost falling over after church but fasting is a really cool commandment to follow :) It really brings blessings!

I have more spiritual stuff to say but maybe I'll save it for next week :)
Well everyone, Thanks again for your emails! I'll never forget these ones. I know that this is God's work. I know that we are all chosen of God to serve him. I know this is where I was called to serve. I know that if we are all faithful, that God will protect us. I wish you all a great week. You are always in my prayers and in my heart. I love you all so much!

-Elder Ballard