Monday, March 13, 2017

Change Can Be Good

Heyo Family!!! 

Thanks for your emails :) they mean a lot! 

This week was kind of crazy but really really happy in the end! The work was getting harder and harder with my comp, I don't know why. It got to the point of me praying with the other elders in my apartment for him. The day we prayed my Mission President called and said "I'm just calling to tell you that you will have a new companion on Monday, and that you will show your new companion the area and then be transferred in April" I will consider that an answer to the prayer haha. One of our missionaries got reassigned to the UK so lots of other missionaries had to be transferred. To be honest I was happy, but I'll still miss Elder Joseph, I've learned so many good things from him. He taught me how to be better at cooking, he always shared everything he had with me, and he wasn't afraid of anything. So I'll miss him that way. I was with him for almost 6 months which never is really easy. So I think we had a good run. I'm excited for him to experience his next area. So I guess my second "son" is gone :) I'll be companions with Elder Cook who looks exactly like Frodo and is hilarious and a hard worker. I'm so excited for these next 4 weeks or so! I can finally work my tail off and also have peace of mind! 

So in short. I know that God knows how much we can handle. :) It's so cool that every companion/area you have, you learn something from it. 

Other than that we had a great Sunday! Joyce came to church and will be baptized on April 1st (Mom and Dad's anniversary!) So that's another reason I'm excited :) 

Also today marks in mission terms my "Training" to go home or my "[last] 12 weeks" instead of "my 1st 12 weeks". In other words If I trained someone right now, at the end of their training I would go home. I can't even believe it. It seems like yesterday I was starting my training! when you spend your whole life preparing for your mission, and then go, it flies by like nothing! I can't believe 2 years would be this short! But I'm convinced that these last 12 weeks will be my hardest working and most memorable ones. Especially without any more distractions! 

Well family, friends and acquaintances. I can testify to you that God hears our prayers. I understand more that God knows us more than he knows ourselves. I know that he will always put us in the best way for our salvation as long as we are obedient. I love you all and I'm grateful for all your support and love. Thank you and have a great week! 

-Elder Ballard
We don't take out the trash here- we burn it!

Saying goodbyes to Elder Joseph

Elder Ackley and I bought Muslim robes

pictures after church

Joyce will be baptized in April!

Practicing the keyboard--notice my shiny forehead? I just finished biking somewhere.

with our Branch President Richard Afasi

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