Monday, May 1, 2017

Be home next MONTH!

part of the Adente area

with Mimi from primary
Hello Everyone!!! Thanks for all of your great emails! I'm so grateful for all of your support and love. :)

This week was awesome! We worked our tails off! :) But yeah this week flew by! I can't believe it's May already! This week was full of failed appointments but we just kept going and laughing together. I'm glad I have a good companion :) Me and Elder Effiom already have some good inside jokes that keep us going throughout the day. We did find some good new investigators that we'll follow up with this week. I'm starting to like this area even more. The members are way nice and give us really nice food :)  We are using bikes a lot now which is fun because our area is like a swamp in places so it feels like the bush. We were able to teach Wisdom how to tie a tie which was cool. He also brought his older sister to church, they just didn't stay the whole time. But hopefully next week! We're also trying to get two more baptisms this week or next so that will keep us busy.

I'm running out of stuff to say! :O Our sacrament meeting was focused on service which was cool. One of the speakers said that "Love is the greatest gift God has given to us, and Service is how we give that gift to his children." So that was really inspiring.

As I went out this week I was already starting to miss Ghana! Even though I haven't gone yet! But I'm really glad that I still have 6 weeks to work hard and to run to the finish line. I'm just trying my best to serve and savor this opportunity to be a full time missionary. I love this place so much, and I love the people ten times more. But I know everything has a purpose and time under heaven and that God knows best. My companion shared a scripture with me in Ecclesiastes 9:10 which says "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." I love this scripture because it reminds me of the slogan of my favorite lawn mower dealership Brent's Lawn and Leisure. Which is "When you want it done right." So on a mission you can't half job anything, you have to things the right way, not just on mission but in life. I know this gospel is true and that if we learn how to master all of the attributes of Christ, we will become more like him.

Right now it's raining super hard and water is dripping from the ceiling onto my keyboard :) What an adventure! I love you all, thanks for all your support. I hope you all have a good week, and I'll see you all next month.

Love, Elder Ballard

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