Monday, May 15, 2017

Post Mother's Day Phone Call Letter :)

Hey  Everyone!
Well that was a great week and especially a great phone call! It was so good to hear you family! Just like you I don't have much to write but I just want to record some of the great experiences I had this week that I already told my family but I want everyone else to hear.
When we went back to Prince this week, we gave his wife a priesthood blessing because she was sick then taught him about Joseph Smith. After we were done he didn't have any questions but he just said. "Ever since you guys came last week, I felt something speak to my spirit saying that this is the right channel to tune in to and that I should follow what you guys teach me." So he readily agreed to be baptized in June before he leaves. His birthday is June 12th the day I fly out, and so he said that he wants me to give him a priesthood blessing the day before, which really touched me. That day was a great day. I am so grateful for the Spirit working through us. He didn't feel anything because of what I or my companion said, but he felt what the Spirit of God had to say. What also made us more happy is that he came to church! He said that his wife was even trying to stop him from coming but he came anyway! So it was so cool to see him.
 We also had a baptism yesterday of a 10 year old girl named Bernice who is super smart in the gospel. The rest of her family will follow her soon. This week was just so satisfying and lovely. I am just so grateful to be able to have these experiences.
Well, it's short this week, but I know that God lives and loves us too. Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Mom, Grandma, Karen, and Nat :) I love you all for your great sacrifice and love :D Have a great week!     -Elder Ballard 

a guy in our ward that carves wood

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