Monday, August 24, 2015

Good news...and Bad...

Hello Family and Friends and Bunny!

Thank you so much for your emails! I even received your letters this week! If you want to make a missionary's day just send letters! Thanks Teag for telling me about scout camp! You looked like you were having fun in that hammock! Brooke! thanks for your letter too, it was great! Shandee! Good night you are so good at drawing! Thanks for drawing Ike for me and for everything you said! Thanks for the pictures of the fam and everything! It's nice to see your faces!  
This week was the most interesting week of my life! There was a really bad event, then a really good event. So before I share the bad event I just want to tell everyone not to worry and to not freak out. :D When we went to zone training we went and bought pizza which was great! (not even close to normal pizza but still dang good!) when we came home, we found our bags and books scattered everywhere! We were robbed.
But before you freak out, just know everything is okay and we are all safe and everything is secure, and it is very rare. My first thought was to look into stuff and re organize everything but we had to leave it so people could take pictures of the evidence. So we went out to teach that day, but we were not focused at all, we just kept talking about the robbery. When we finally got home we looked through everything. I feel really bad for one of the other elders because they stole a whole hard drive from them full of pictures of a year being on his mission! They stole some expensive jewelry from my companion who bought it for his mom which was really sad. But for me I was pretty lucky because I didn't have much pictures but they stole my head lamp, my extra memory card, my card reader (so I can't send pictures until I get a new one.), my bleach..? and of course they stole my beloved flip flops! Agh! But everything was okay, we ended up cracking tons of jokes about it. Some of the things they stole were really dumb, they stole our powdered milk, and all of the hot chocolate mix in the apartment. So that was pretty funny :)
So I hope you aren't freaking out, it is super rare to be robbed and everyone is fine. :) But because of that trial God blessed us with success and a Baptism! I got to Baptize Obed on Saturday! He is really cool and fits in to the church so well. When he came to church on Sunday he was asking questions and giving comments, he really loves the gospel! That moment he entered the water was such a special experience for me. When we were changing he said simply "Elda Ballad, that was very good." That baptism helped me so much and gave me so much comfort. I love this gospel so much, it can change lives, and I get to be a part of it! I know that Christ and God are watching over his missionaries and that the Spirit testifies of the truth we are teaching! I know that God lives, I know that God blesses us through trials. I know that if we push forward with a steadfastness in Christ we shall not fall. I am learning so much, I know that my mission will shape me into the person God wants me to be!

Culture Fact: I found out some slang they use! When people are really emphasizing something they put an O on the end of the word! Like I almost hit a guy with my bike and he said "Oh, Sorry-o!" They also say "Chawley" (like Charlie in a British accent.) which means "Friend" but they use it in the place of "I tell you what." like if they say "I saw a car yesterday that was red, Chawley it was nice!"

Questions answered: Austin, I really like their money here! The bills are called cedis (like saying CDs) and the coins are called pecweis (pay-sway-z) they have a 1 cedi coin as well as a bill. They also have 2 5 10 20 50 cedi bills which are different colors and sizes, so it is super easy to take the right bill out of your wallet! The value of 1 cedi is 33.5 cents. So everything here is super super cheap. Like I can buy a loaf of bread for a dollar basically. So that's always nice. Our sub for the month is 360 cedis so it's a good amount if we want to buy extra fruit or treats :D
Momma: I am super used to the food now, but somethings are so spicy I can feel my ears burning!  Something new I had was yam (which is just like a boiled potato without mashing it,) and soup that had fish mixed with tomatoes which was very nice, and of course we ate it with our hands :) But don't worry they have us wash our hands first. Also I can eat waaay more food that I used to, I ate a whole pizza by myself which has never been done by me. (probably cause this pizza was expensive and I didn't want to waste it.) Or I ate an egg sandwich that was the size of my head. But I am exercising and biking everyday so I think I will be okay with weight for now :) Also I wore my long sleeved shirt last Sunday and about died so I won't be using that shirt again on a normal day.

Okay family and friends I love you! Congrats Logan on your call! I knew that you would be learning a language! Also Elder Kidd is in my district now so he is Kyson's cousin which is cool. Sorry for no pictures... :'( good heavens lovey I’ve been nabbed! have a great week! I love you all! I am doing fine and am learning so much!

Before I go I have another cool experience! This man stopped us on our bikes, his name is Stelecon. He said that he has always wondered about our church and that something touched his heart to talk to us! The next day we taught him and he believed everything! Even though we only taught him the first lesson, he said that he wanted to go on a mission! He came to church yesterday and loved it! It's so cool that God prepares people to receive the gospel like that! Anyways I’ll keep you updated about him! :)

I love being a Missionary!

-Elder Ballard 

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