Monday, February 29, 2016

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Hello Everyone!!! 

First off thanks for the amazing emails! I made the guy next to me look at me because of laughing so much! It's so awesome to hear from all of you and just see how great life is! This week was kind of different but it was just really happy! 

Our area has been a little harder to get people to come on Sunday since church is at eight and that our area is the farthest from the chapel. But we have still been having really happy attitudes which makes all the difference! One day we had like ten failed appointments but me and my companion we're just laughing at how ridiculous it was. I really believe that a good attitude is the most vital motivation more anything! I also believe a bad attitude is the thing that will totally stop progress in anything. If you have ever worked with someone with a bad attitude, you can really see that they're getting no where. It's just awful to see someone tear down someone else's happiness. Or as Elder Holland said "Downing a quart of pickle juice every time someone has a happy moment." Truly a good  attitude is the seed of progress. If something bad happens and you can laugh about it, chances are you'll be less stressed and still have a good day. That's something that I have learned from my Dad. If my Dad dropped something he'd just bust out laughing and make everyone else laugh. That is another thing about having a good attitude is that you get to benefit others and help them progress in what they're doing. On the other hand, when you have a bad attitude, you hinder others to progress. That is my lesson today to all of you, have a good attitude, things will work out, things won't be hard forever. Plus always remember that "There are things you can learn in a storm that you could have never learned when the weather was calm." So that was the lesson I learned this week. Have a good attitude and be happy :D 

Speaking of happiness, this week when we went to my chapel one day, and one of our members brought a trumpet and let me play it! (picture attached) I also got a video of me playing "Oh my Father" which sounded really nice in the chapel. It was really weird to play an instrument that I only played at home! After I played I looked up from the music and realized once again that I'm indeed in Ghana! I seriously am still realizing that I'm in Africa. Time is such a funny thing! 
Elder Nybo is our new apartment member like I told you all last week. It has been fun helping him get through the trials that I once went through when I first came. It still feels like yesterday that I came! Maybe because I'm still in my first area I don't know. But anyways he's doing great and will be a great missionary as he grows.

Also four of the Elders in our district are being transferred and being replaced by sisters so that's crazy. (picture attached) All of them came to Teshie after me so I've known them all for a while. So that's how mission life is! 

Solomon, a recent convert, got the priesthood this week.

In closing I just want to give thanks to all of you. As a missionary, the love you have for your family and friends multiplies by about 56 so I can't even tell you all how much I love you. I love this gospel and know that it's true. I know that following it is the only way we can be happy. I know that we all can be happy, as long as we are willing to try to have a better attitude. I know that the Plan of Salvation is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I am so grateful for all of you and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Kokonte (It's like Fu fu but tastes a tiny bit different. There was so much though! it was the biggest bowl I've ever seen! Plus they put pieces of beef on top.)
-Elder Ballard 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Public Dove Toilets

Hello Everyone!!! 
Thanks for the couple of emails! They mean more than cheddar cheese to me! (Which is saying a lot especially while being in West Africa.) This week was as Dad always says. "Hotter than a fire cracker on the Fourth of July." Man the sun embraced us so much this week! People say February is one of the hottest months here! But thank goodness that there is chilled water everywhere and that we don't have to wear suits! I'm pretty sure if we did we'd get cooked.

Anyways, this week went by way fast as does every week, but we were able to find and talk to lots of people! We met this one guy named Evans and he was super interested in the gospel. I haven't ever seen anyone who has understood the apostasy and the restoration so well. When we were done teaching about the apostasy, he said "Well how was the church restored? Can you please tell me? I really want to find the true church!" So without hesitation we taught him about Joseph Smith. As we read the first vision he kept saying "Wow, wow." So we are really excited about him and hope to see him progress. We also taught a couple of teenage guys named Jacob and Daniel. We gave a Plan of Salvation pamphlet to Daniel, but found out that Jacob read it and was super interested about it! So we're excited about following up with them. We are just trying to be patient with our other investigators and help them chose for themselves to accept the gospel. Just as God had to wait for Adam and Eve to choose to partake the fruit. I just love missionary work so much. 

We also went out again with Johanna and saw a family who's Mom couldn't speak English which was interesting. But every time I meet a new person from Ghana I just love the people more! The children were able to translate to the Mom and help here out. She said some funny things, like when I said I was from America she said in Ga "Hey my brother lives there! Do you know him?" So that was hilarious :) People here are just so funny, loving and great. This was a great week where we worked hard and found new people. It just feels great to work hard and know that your helping God's work go forward. 
The new Missionary in our apartment's named Elder Nybo he's from Utah which was weird because I've been with all Africans for 4 months. He's a really chill guy and hasn't been home sick at all which is impressive. It's really fun to make friends all the time and meet new people. 
I just want you all to know that this gospel is true and that it is the only way that we can become happy. I know that the Plan of Salvation is real. I know that God knows and loves us so much. I know that each one of us is a child of God no matter what color or back ground, he loves us all the same. We have so many things to be grateful for. I know that I am in the right place and that if we all pray to know how we can become better, God will answer us and help us know where we need to be and what we need to do. Jesus Christ really did pay for every single bad thing that hits us in this life. I know that these things are true, just keep doing what you know to be right and everything will work out if you trust in God! I love you all so much and I'm excited to continue to work hard! 
-Elder Ballard

P.S. here are some funny things that happened this week.

Me and my companion saw a hardware store and wanted to get a nail so I could hang up my amazing calendar my family gave me. So when we went up to the guy, my companion said "How many nails for I cedi?" and the guy said "well for us we don't count them...but weigh them." so that was funny to think about someone counting out fifty nails one by one to give to someone :D Then we asked him for a single nail, and he snickered and just handed us one. 

Then one lesson we were teaching two ladies under a tree. But we soon found out that this wasn't an ordinary tree, but was a public toilet for all the doves in the area. So as my companion was trying to explain the atonement, there was a little drizzle of "chocolate syrup." that hit his shoulder, then after a short time later another one hit the other side of his shirt. By the end of the lesson he moved his seat away. At the end of the lesson we invited one of the sisters to pray. As she was praying I suddenly felt a something hit me square in the neck. So I was grateful my shirt was okay. So next time we teach there we'll try to do it somewhere else :) 

The final experience is about that old man who we've been trying to baptize for four months. He now says he wants to get baptized on Easter... Silly man. Anyways after church we saw him checking the list for his home teaching partner. So we laughed pretty hard at that. 

Anyways I love you all so much and hope you have a great week! The picture is of us with Solomon (a recent convert that my trainer baptized,) and Johanna (The member who has been working with us a lot.) 

Until Next Week! 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Red Red and The Iron Rod

Hello Hello!!!

Thanks Fam and friend for your awesome emails! I love hearing about things from you and about how you're doing! This week was pretty different! It went by faster than a macaroni salad at a family reunion! I always say this but time is really messed up on mission. 
So another transfer went by without a change which is fine with me! I get to spend a third of my mission in Teshie which is my first area! So I know that I'll have tons of memories from here. Elder Conduanhe (the Portuguese speaker) is being transferred :( He has been such a great example to me and has made me laugh my head off so many times! If you saw that video of us releasing a dove, it was him who laughed his head off at the end :) I'll miss him so much! So a new missionary will be moving into our apartment and be trained there just like I was! So it will fun to meet him tomorrow.  
This week I didn't really cook much, because that volcano stew I made is still in the fridge. :D It's way better now that Elder Obiarinze mixed his stew with mine. But it's still freaking hot and makes my nose run. Darn those peppers. I did make really nice french toast and stirfry though. Also an investigator gave us something called Red Red. It's one of my favorite foods here! It's beans mixed with plantains,(giant sweet bananas.) tomato stew, oil, and something called garry (Gaw-ree) which is dried cassava. If you even remember what cassava is... But man it's so good! The picture is attached. So nice! 
Anyways enough about food! This week was really unique! The zone conference was really awesome with Elder and Sister Vinson! I learned so much! It's really cool to listen to a general authority! Plus the day after the zone conference our apartment was chosen out of the whole mission to host them for a study. So we got to have scripture study with a general authority! It was a really neat experience, and I learned so much. 
This week teaching wise was a little rough because of all the activities we had, but this week we are really going to focus on finding serious people because most of our investigators will just agree with everything and want to be baptized but then they won't even come to church. Silly Geese :P Anyways this week will be sweet to just stay focused and work our tails off. I found that it really helps to set goals and to always focus on them, because it motivates you to achieve your goal. 
So this week was pretty normal other than that, my companion is a champ on his bike now, it is crazy to think that a couple months ago he couldn't even walk the bike to the door. He also got glasses this week and looks like a stud cake. It'll be cool to stay with him for 6 months because he's my "Son". Once you stay with your companion for a couple months you become friends no matter how different you are. It's such a cool experience to meet so many people from different countries and to see how they live and what they eat and everything. 
Something I learned this week was kind of small but interesting. I was singing "hold to the rod, the Iron Rod." and I thought "why is it iron? Why isn't it gold or something. It is the word of God after all." As I studied I realized that the word of God isn't just the scriptures but it's from our prophets and our teachers and leaders at church. Iron isn't a very flashy or valuable metal, so it kind of reminded me that the word of God is humble and strong, and it's only purpose is for us to return back to God and to feel his love forever. Gold on the other hand is valuable and flashy, but it is very weak. So it shows that the word of God isn't of the world but it is strong and straightforward. We should stop worrying about what the world sees as valuable and start seeing what God sees as valuable. I know that if we listen to God and follow his words, we can be "lead." strait to eternal life.
I hope this thought makes sense and isn't too deep. I just love thinking of symbols and how they fit with things. I am so grateful for this time to learn and to teach the gospel! I can testify that it is true! 

I love you all! Thanks so much for your support!

-Elder Ballard

We went to the beach again today, so this is me saying goodbye to Elder Conduanhe. I'll miss him!
Me and Elder Tawodzera eating Red Red. :D 

Thanks again! Talk to you next week! 

Thanks again! Talk to you next week!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Volcano Stew

Hello Everyone!!!

Thanks for all of your wonderful emails! I looked in my journal and realized another whole month has already passed as fast as a toro lawnmower at a seminary! It's so weird how fast time goes! This week was fun, it had some different things happen and  I learned a couple things!
Last week I bought lots of vegetables so I could attempt making my first African Stew. So I was making it just like my trainer made it. It turned out super nice! It had cabbage, onions, tomatoes and other good stuff. I was so proud of it that I had my companion take a picture of me with it! (see attached) After the picture I looked at my plate, being so proud of myself for actually making something that's eatable. Smiling to myself I took my fork and took a bite...To my astonishment I discovered that my stew tasted as though it was harvested from a volcano. It was so spicy that it made me cough and cry! It turns out that when I bought these teeny tiny green peppers I was only supposed to add like three but I added something close to twenty two. They were green so I thought they weren't that hot! I knew my trainer used them but I didn't remember how much...The funny thing is the Nigerian Elder couldn't even eat it! It was so hot! I managed to eat half of my plate, but after that, I couldn't continue. So I learned my lesson this week about how many peppers to put in my stew. :) 
At the end of the week I was able to redeem myself. I made a flippin nice stirfry with indomen (Ramen) noodles, cabbage, onions, green pepper (the bell kind), and eggs! It was so nice! I even added some African spice to make it taste even better. So I'm glad I could redeem myself and cook something that won't kill anyone.

As teaching wise goes, people haven't really come to church that we have been teaching. But a couple of less actives came back which is like the same thing! So our focus this week will be to find more serious people to teach and commit them to church! Also this week we are having a mission tour with a general authority named Elder Vinson. Our apartment was even selected to have a study with him in our apartment which will be a really cool experience! 

Something else which was funny is that multiple people have guessed my age to be 25 years old. Which makes me feel... Well I don't really know. It made me laugh, people wouldn't believe that I was 18. I guess they don't know how to measure age with white people that much? I don't know, but that was a funny thing that happened. 

So on a more serious note, I just want everyone to know that we are in the right place, there are so many churches or organizations that want to take people away from the truth. But we are so blessed to have this truth in our lives! Just keep reading the scriptures, praying, going to the temple, and loving each other and I know that you can be blessed. If you see that someone doesn't have a knowledge of the truth that you know, open your mouth and share something you know to be true! If you do this they will not really think about what you said but they will remember what they felt when you said it. The Holy Ghost is there to testify the truth but it has to work through someone to be effective! I know that this Gospel is true and that we are all in the right place. Just keep doing those little things and trust in God. Believe that he lives and that he loves you, because he does! I love you all so much and hope you have a great week!


-Elder Ballard

My Volcano Stew before I tasted it...

and my amazing stir-fry! 

My companion made Zimbabwean food called sadza! It's corn dough that you dip into stew, kind of like banku but it isn't fermented so it has a different taste! 

My shoes after proselyting :D 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Blessings, and Seven Miles to Church

Dearest Loved ones!

This week went by crazier than a cross eyed mule at a potluck! (You’re getting better at the similes Mom) I can't believe how weird time is on your mission. One minute you’re at the internet cafe, then you teach some lessons, then you go to church, and then you’re at the cafe again! I was looking in my journal and realized that today is my 200 day mark which was kinda fun. It doesn't seem like I’ve been out that long at all! So maybe I’ll try cooking some African stew to celebrate. Anyways, this week was really great! There were some really good strengths and events that happened! As all of your other missionary friends have said, this week we were able to go to a broadcast for all the missionaries in the world! I learned so much! I think four apostles spoke as well as some seventies plus the relief society president if I’m not mistaken. It was so cool to know that all the missionaries (especially my missionary friends.) around the world are learning and growing from the same broadcast. It gave me so much zeal to go forward with the week!

One of the things I learned was how valuable members are in lessons! This week we were able to go out with a member who we haven't really known very well named Johanna. Members carry such power with them! We went and taught a lady named Gladys. We talked about the Holy Ghost and how it gives us answers so Johanna was able to testify of her own experience and talk about how the Holy Ghost touches our hearts. After we taught that she said that she felt like what we have been teaching her was true. So at the end of the lesson with linked it with baptism and invited her to be baptized. She accepted and will hopefully be baptized this month! That lesson gave us so much hope and we were so glad to finally see fruits of our labors! There was a scripture I found at the beginning of this week that helped me a ton. It's Alma 26:27 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the [Ghanaians] and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success." This scripture really helped me know that If we are patient God will give us success. Also I learned from last week that some of us sow and some of us reap. We lost an investigator whose name is Rosemary, she was just so busy and said she wouldn't have time. So we were kind of bummed because she was so excited about the Book of Mormon. But then we realized that Gladys was taught by missionaries before as well and stopped, before we came and again taught those truths to her. So it really showed that everything we do as missionaries is missionary work! Baptizing isn't everything, it's only a part of it. You can't harvest fruit from a tree when the tree isn't grown. So that is something I learned this week.

This Sunday also went well! An investigator finally came to church! He came after sacrament...But still! This week just gave us a lot hope and comfort, so I'm so grateful for that. I am so blessed to be in this wonderful country and to be among such Christ-like people. I just can't ever stop talking about Ghanaians and how great they are. I can already tell that I will miss them so much.
After church there were some funny experiences. One guy offered to pray at the end of a lesson so we bowed are heads. Then all of a sudden he started singing slowly and deep. Words like "Ohhh God the almightyyyyy, thaaaank you for your glorrrry." and repeated it twice. Me and my companion were trying not to laugh and I am so glad we held it in, otherwise we would have lost him as an investigator. Then after he sang, he started his prayer and kept repeating the same words over and over like "Oh father we thank thee father we thank thee all the time, we thank the holy spirit, we thank thee father, please take us home safe father, we thank you father...etc." This went on for about 7 minutes. So after we heard an enthusiastic Amen we finally opened our eyes. As light finally entered into our corneas we thanked him. As we were walking to our bikes he asked us "So how did you like the song?" so we told them we liked it and that next time we'll bring a hymn book so we can sing together. I love experiencing new cultures and fun things like that :) That experience will always be there for a laugh.

Also on Saturday I got sick again and had to lay in bed all day again. I think it was something I ate, but it wasn't as bad as last time thank goodness!  I wanted to go to church so bad because I was sure an investigator would come. I felt so weak and I was just wondering how I could bike 7 miles to church with the strength I had. So I asked for a priesthood blessing from my companion and roommate and went to sleep. I slept so well and when I woke up and felt like a new person! It truly was a miracle that made me know even more that the priesthood of God is restored to the earth. I am so grateful for the gospel we have and for everything that God has given us. I want to testify that we are in the right place. Just keep following the commandments and God will bless you. I promise! I know these things are true and I hope you will too.
Thanks everyone so much for your emails and support! I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!

Thanks again! Have a great week!

-Elder Ballard