Monday, February 15, 2016

Red Red and The Iron Rod

Hello Hello!!!

Thanks Fam and friend for your awesome emails! I love hearing about things from you and about how you're doing! This week was pretty different! It went by faster than a macaroni salad at a family reunion! I always say this but time is really messed up on mission. 
So another transfer went by without a change which is fine with me! I get to spend a third of my mission in Teshie which is my first area! So I know that I'll have tons of memories from here. Elder Conduanhe (the Portuguese speaker) is being transferred :( He has been such a great example to me and has made me laugh my head off so many times! If you saw that video of us releasing a dove, it was him who laughed his head off at the end :) I'll miss him so much! So a new missionary will be moving into our apartment and be trained there just like I was! So it will fun to meet him tomorrow.  
This week I didn't really cook much, because that volcano stew I made is still in the fridge. :D It's way better now that Elder Obiarinze mixed his stew with mine. But it's still freaking hot and makes my nose run. Darn those peppers. I did make really nice french toast and stirfry though. Also an investigator gave us something called Red Red. It's one of my favorite foods here! It's beans mixed with plantains,(giant sweet bananas.) tomato stew, oil, and something called garry (Gaw-ree) which is dried cassava. If you even remember what cassava is... But man it's so good! The picture is attached. So nice! 
Anyways enough about food! This week was really unique! The zone conference was really awesome with Elder and Sister Vinson! I learned so much! It's really cool to listen to a general authority! Plus the day after the zone conference our apartment was chosen out of the whole mission to host them for a study. So we got to have scripture study with a general authority! It was a really neat experience, and I learned so much. 
This week teaching wise was a little rough because of all the activities we had, but this week we are really going to focus on finding serious people because most of our investigators will just agree with everything and want to be baptized but then they won't even come to church. Silly Geese :P Anyways this week will be sweet to just stay focused and work our tails off. I found that it really helps to set goals and to always focus on them, because it motivates you to achieve your goal. 
So this week was pretty normal other than that, my companion is a champ on his bike now, it is crazy to think that a couple months ago he couldn't even walk the bike to the door. He also got glasses this week and looks like a stud cake. It'll be cool to stay with him for 6 months because he's my "Son". Once you stay with your companion for a couple months you become friends no matter how different you are. It's such a cool experience to meet so many people from different countries and to see how they live and what they eat and everything. 
Something I learned this week was kind of small but interesting. I was singing "hold to the rod, the Iron Rod." and I thought "why is it iron? Why isn't it gold or something. It is the word of God after all." As I studied I realized that the word of God isn't just the scriptures but it's from our prophets and our teachers and leaders at church. Iron isn't a very flashy or valuable metal, so it kind of reminded me that the word of God is humble and strong, and it's only purpose is for us to return back to God and to feel his love forever. Gold on the other hand is valuable and flashy, but it is very weak. So it shows that the word of God isn't of the world but it is strong and straightforward. We should stop worrying about what the world sees as valuable and start seeing what God sees as valuable. I know that if we listen to God and follow his words, we can be "lead." strait to eternal life.
I hope this thought makes sense and isn't too deep. I just love thinking of symbols and how they fit with things. I am so grateful for this time to learn and to teach the gospel! I can testify that it is true! 

I love you all! Thanks so much for your support!

-Elder Ballard

We went to the beach again today, so this is me saying goodbye to Elder Conduanhe. I'll miss him!
Me and Elder Tawodzera eating Red Red. :D 

Thanks again! Talk to you next week! 

Thanks again! Talk to you next week!

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