Monday, March 7, 2016

Rain Clouds

Hi Ho! Elder Ballard Here!!!

Someone just told me that I'm a third of the way done with my mission so I gave them a really surprised look! I seriously can't believe how time flies! That's a big piece of the pie! It's crazy just because I've still been in the same area so it feels like I just came here! Man, time flies when your biking in 95 degree weather! Thanks so much for all of your emails!

This week was pretty decent, we got the most member present lessons we've ever had so that was great. We just need to be able to find more serious people who will progress, so hopefully we can do that this week! Also this week we we're rained on twice, which is always a fun experience so I'll tell one of them in a story form:

Me and my companion biked down to this "Chop Bar" (that's what they call a place to eat fufu or banku) and after eating a delicious bowl of Fufu with palm nut soup and tuna, we were biking back when we saw these huge black clouds. These clouds aren't like normal ones where you’re like "Oh, it might rain in an hour." But these ones were moving super fast and swirling around each other. It always looks weird though because on the other side of the sky it's clear as a bell. So after a quick utterance of the word "Fetch" (which is commonly used in all English speaking missions), we took refuge in our bishop’s house. I have never seen clouds like this in my life! They were swirling around and swelling just like in a movie! So right when we were in the house it started pouring. After the rain everything was muddy but the weather was cool which is nice. So after it let up, me and Elder Tawodzera merrily went on our way to proselyte.

This week was different than last week, but it was still good. It's just hard sometimes when people aren't around or they traveled etc. But we were able to see Evans again who is super interested! After coming to see he was busy for like 6 times he finally gave us some time to teach him. His friend even wanted to sit and listen. So we had Evans explain to his friend about the restoration and about Joseph Smith. He did really good and we helped him where he needed it. Once they were both caught up, we introduced the Book of Mormon. When I pulled it out Evans said "Wow!" Sometimes it's kinda difficult to explain the Book of Mormon to people but I really felt the spirit in that lesson. Everything we said made total sense and he and his friend understood. When we gave it to him he was super excited and said "I need to be serious with this book and pray!" So we hope that we will be able to see him this week more than just once.

I just love being a missionary so much! Seeing that a third has already passed kinda shows me that I need to put every second I have into the work! I'm just so grateful to be out here and to be with the lovely people of Ghana. I really am so used to it here and feel like, as Dad said, a "Vanilla African" :) I love the food the people, the place, and especially the gospel! I can testify that I know this church is true! I know that God loves us so much and that he knows our weaknesses! My trainer Elder Ajayi gave me a call this week and shared a scripture with me that really helped me. It's Doctrine and Covenants 123:17 it says: "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
I know these things are true and I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!
Elder Ballard

Rain clouds
Me and My Comp. Poor little tike.
a praying mantis

A plate of rice at a restaurant so it was really expensive but it had tons of chicken so it was worth it!

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