Monday, May 23, 2016

Happy 19th Birthday!

Hey All!!! Thanks so much for all of your wonderful emails and especially for your birthday wishes! It means so much to me and I can't believe I'll be nineteen tomorrow! :O This week was flipping awesome though and there was some pretty great adventures we had.

During the week was pretty average, eating banku, jay walking (Don't worry it's legal here!), and teaching the gospel. It was the end of the week that was most eventful. We managed to get good numbers and everything which was great. All we needed to get the mission standard is five investigators at church. I frankly didn't think we'd get our goal this week because the people we called said they traveled and all that yak. But at sacrament, we met a lady named Jackie who said she would honestly never come to church, and then she did! There was another guy named Abraham (there's a ton of people named that here...) who was awesome! The theme of sacrament was basically the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith so we taught it in the second class where we gave him a Book of Mormon. Then in priesthood we talked about tithing and at the end he said "Where can I pay my tithes? I want to pay them now." These people just amaze me with their faith. So in the end, we achieved mission standard for the first time! We were so happy and satisfied! We didn't even think we would get it! What a blessing. What also made this Sunday fun was that a huge rain storm was coming so we tried to close a little early. But some of the members stayed and so I was able to play the keyboard and sing hymns with them which is super fun. Piano is helping me so much. I can probably play like 20 more hymns than I could at home. It's such a blessing to have God help me that way. Anyways the weather is getting way more wet and rainy which is good and bad. It'll be cooler, but it will also be dang muddy. Also, when it rains in Ghana, it RAINS! It's so loud and fast! I put a big 4 gallon bucket outside of our apartment and it was overflowing in like 10 minutes! Such an adventure!

As for my birthday this week, we went to the Accra Mall today and bought cake mix and some frosting stuff because we found out that one of our members has an actual oven so we'll see how that goes! I'll make sure to take pictures and stuff. I'll also probably eat Mac and Cheese!!! I'm so excited! Also I'll open up those presents my family sent me. So it should be a great birthday!
Thank you all for all of your support and love. I just want you all to know that I know this gospel is true. I know that God loves us and that he wants us to be happy. All we have to do is be obedient to his commandment and precepts. I love this work so much and I am so grateful for this past year of being 18. I know that we are all in the right place and that this is God
's work. I love you so much!
-Elder Ballard

Picture: ME eating chicken sandwiches at the mall! My shirt isn't usually that big. All of mine were drying, so I borrowed another Elder's shirt. :D

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