Monday, May 16, 2016

Obedience,Prayers and Primary

Hey all!!!
Wow thank you all so much for your wonderful emails! I was just smiling to the point where the guy next to me started smiling too. This week was absolutely amazing! Man it was one of the most satisfying weeks of my mission!

This week we were able to teach enough lessons and everything to get the mission standard of excellence! Except the only thing we didn't get was enough investigators at church. But that one isn't our fault so still felt like we did the best we could this week which is always a great feeling. Our mission president is really trying to push more for obedience and it has really helped us become better. As we've trying to be better in our little mistakes, it has really pulled off and has helped us be successful. I love the scripture that says "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say. But when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." because it is so true! All we have to do is keep the commandments and we'll be blessed! It's a simple promise!

This week I also went to another area to do a baptismal interview which is always fun. Being District Leader is pretty fun. I interviewed this two kids who knew the gospel so well! I asked this young boy named Simon "Can you tell me a little about Joseph Smith?" then he said "Okay. In the 1820 there was a young boy named Joseph Smith...etc." I just sat there nodding my head in amazement, some kids here are so fetching intelligent. It just showed me how really simple and true the gospel is. 

On Sunday I got to bear my testimony to the primary which was really really fun. All the kids were really well behaved and so cute. I just love African kids. I just bore my testimony that they could invite their friends to church and how primary has helped me so much in my life. Then at the end I said "So you can all invite a friend to church next week okay?" Then they all repeated/screamed "OKAY!!!" It was fun to go back to primary and remember learning all the simple truths that I've known ever since. I love the gospel so much.

One investigator that really touched me this week is a Togolese woman named Eyoko. Those of you who don't know, I've always had a soft spot for Togo people. The reason is because my Mom told me as well as showed me a picture of when I was a baby some of them came for the dance festival and passed me around. They also gave me an African rattle and stuff so I've just known about Togolese people since I was a kid, so I'm glad to be so close to them. Anyways Her name is Eyoko and she's such a humble person. When we first met her we wanted to give her a pamphlet but she said that she couldn't read. But when we came back this week we had a wonderful lesson. We talked about prayer because she thought that she had to read from the bible or know a special verse in order to pray. But it was a cool thing to teach her how to pray and the steps to it. At the end of the lesson we asked her if she was willing to pray. After a couple of example prayers by me, she was willing to try. She then gave one of the most humble, sincere prayers I've ever heard. She basically said "Our Heavenly Father, we thank you... we thank you for our blessings, we thank you for our lesson today... These things we say through Jesus Christ amen." As she was giving the prayer I could feel the spirit so strong. Even though it was a simple prayer I knew that she loved God and wanted to follow him.
I am so grateful for this wonderful work. It is such a privilege to be a full time missionary. I love these people more than I can say. I now know more than ever that this is where I need to be. I know with all my heart that these things are true. I know God lives. I know he loves everyone of his children equally whether "Black or white, bond or free." I know that he loves them. Let us all love those around us a little more. Let us all follow Christ's example. I love you all and I say these things in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.
-Elder Ballard

Love you all! Have a great week!
Me and my comp splurged and got Cinnamon Toast Crunch at the American store in our area! (The perks of the city areas!)

I got highlights! Just kidding that's the sun.

A pink chicken!

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