Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Hello America! Ghana says hello! 

Who would have thought that April would come this fast? I thought my last months would drag on, because that's what people say. But I guess that's not the case when you work your tail off. But I guess we'll see! 

First off I want to say Happy Anniversary to my Mom and Dad! They're the best parents I could ever ask for :) Thanks for teaching all of us kids the gospel and for being such great examples to us! Also Happy Birthday to Brigham, Mom, and Austin this month! (If I forgot someone else's sorry, I still love you). 

This week went by so fast because we had a baptism on Saturday so it was stressful! But this baptism went off swimmingly! (get it?) We were able to get the font filled the day before, the interviews went well and so on. So each companionship had 1 person be baptized! It was a happy day. We had Joyce and then the other companionship had Michael. They were even able to bear their testimonies at the end of the program along with Christiana who is another one of my recent-converts! The baptism was just so nice. I have faith that I can get a couple more before I go. 

My companion got sick on Tuesday till like Thursday, but we were able to do some exchanges which was nice. I went with Elder Ackley to a community outside Suhum which is called Anamase. It was so fun to go there because  missionaries haven't been there before! We went to one side of the road where no one knew English, so I tried using my Twi skills. We were able to introduce ourselves and at least tell them we were missionaries and that we'd come back another time. Then we went to the other side where we just walked the main road through the town and EVERYONE looked at us like "Who are these two well dressed white men and what are they doing here?" So it was fun, I felt like I was in a movie. Then if people stopped us we contacted them and gave them a pamphlet. One older guy said "Whoa! I joined this church in Nigeria 12 years ago!" that was crazy. Then one younger lady named Kathrine came up with her baby wrapped around her back and asked if we were Jehovah's Witnesses. When we said no she smiled said "I knew it! My friends said you were but I could tell you were different!" Then she showed us her house and said "I really believe in Christ. I know he's my savior. So if I come to the church and see that it is from him then I'll be baptized." So that gave us lots of high hopes!  

Then on Friday I went with Elder Cook to Jato which is another community outside of Suhum. We taught two guys there who have came to church before. They are Michael and Benjamin. So we hope they will also be able to progress. 
I'm excited for this week, now that we won't be sick anymore! We'll see if I'm transferred or not. I'd be totally fine to finish here because of how the work is going, but if God wants me to finish in another place I'll trust his judgement. So I'll let you know this week! I love you all so much! I know that Baptism is truly a wonderful thing and I know that we can be a light to others if we are worthy! I know that his gospel will go forth boldly nobly and independent until it has covered every land and sounded in every ear until the great Jehovah will say "It is done." 

Have a great week!

-Elder Ballard

I found this spider on the ground in my bedroom and I screamed like a grown up woman! (My voice is low so that's what it sounded like) I think it's like a baby tarantula or something!  


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