Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Last Transfer!

Dear Wondrous People,

Sorry for the delay the internet just stopped so I had to go and come back. Here's my letter :)

This week was so cool! I learned a lot of lessons! The answer is Yes I got transferred! I'm in my new area right now. It's called West Adenta and is in the city. My area is more like a residency area with different houses everywhere. It's really cool. Our apartment is smaller but is nice quality, and homey! It has a nice back yard and has trees! Plus we live in a quiet environment so I'm really excited! My companion's name is Elder Effiom who is a Nigerian, and is truly humble! (Not like the last one :)) He wants to work hard and is really cool! I'll send a picture of him next week. Also there is my MTC mate in my apartment who is Elder Johnson, and his companion is Elder.... Something but he's from Tonga so I'm gonna have a blast! I'm just excited to enjoy my last months in the work! 
This week I was really going to miss Suhum. There were so many people who weren't even investigators or members who were sad to see me leave. But I was able to take pictures with them. It's so fun to just make friends with the town folk! People are just so nice. On Saturday I just felt so sad, it even started raining which made it feel like Suhum was sad to see me leave too. The funniest thing was the 1st counselor said in sacrament meeting "Our organist is being transferred." So he didn't say my name or anything, he just called me "the organist" :) 

 But when I got to my new area and settled in my apartment I felt great. I don't mean to brag, but I consider myself an "Experienced" missionary. At least somewhat... I hear that right when you know how to do everything you go home. But I can still speak Twi to people and eat the same food, so I'm excited to meet new members and enjoy more experiences as well as prepare to go home :) I think I'm going to like it here! Also we don't have a chapel here. Just a really nice rented out building, plus church is at 8... :O But that will help me in some ways I guess, The chapel isn't too far which is good.
People from a chop bar (an African diner) who I made really good friends with because we always ate there :)
The lesson I learned the most this week is that God knows best, sometimes God will guide us in ways we don't feel comfortable, but if we trust in God we will really see the reason he does that. One reason I know is to help us have more faith in him. I know that as we have more faith in him, we will grow closer to him and trust him more, especially if we willingly obey.
I love you guys! I hope you have a good week! Thanks for all the support!

-Elder Ballard

I got to see some of my buds while I stayed at the mission home!
Elder Beckstrand, Katie Sommer's cousin and a best friend of mine

Elder Kamanda, just lost his mom :(

Elder Tawodzera

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a small world we live in inside the church! So happy you and elder Beckstrand were friends!!
