Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Rainy Season

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for your wonderful beautiful emails! Also thanks for being you! This week was a great one! We worked hard and it went by faster than Ballard Salad on a Sunday!
Now we are in the famous "Rainy Season" in Ghana. Man when it rains here it rains! The fun part is that we all have umbrellas so we go out anyway and go to our appointments! It's pretty funny because people are like "I thought you wouldn't come because of the rain." then we're like "Nope!" So we have a lot of fun here in Official Town. I'm loving my area so much because we are getting to know all the members a ton and becoming there friends. It's just so fun. I can't even describe it. I really like the rainy season because. You guessed it... Because you don't sweat for forehead off!

I also just looked at my watch and realized that I've been a missionary for 11 months which is just messed up. I can't believe It's almost half done... :O But man I've just been enjoying my time here! I love being here so much! Some days I'm tired but that's about it! It's just so fun to know that this church is 100% true and that Jesus Christ leads it today! This gospel just has so much happiness attached to it. I know that all the beliefs that we have in this gospel is true. I know this both from my heart and from scriptural evidence. I know God lives and loves us.

We also had a multi zone conference which was awesome! I was able to see My trainee Elder Tawodzera and lots of Elders who I haven't seen for a while! We played volleyball and ate real sandwiches!!! They had pickles and cheese and everything! Man it was such a treat! President Heid also came and gave us some counsel. It was a great activity. It's also the reason I'm emailing on a Tuesday :)  I know that Jesus is the Christ and that he suffered for our sins. I know that if we cleave to our covenants that we will be blessed. Thanks again for all of your love and support! I love you all! Have a wonderful week!

-Elder Ballard

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