Monday, November 28, 2016


Hey Everyone!!! 

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving week! I know I did! :D Thanks for all your warm emails! 
This week my companion went on an exchange to Accra so I was with Elder Roberts for two days! Then on Thursday I was determined to make my taste buds cry with happiness. So I splurged and bought a half of a chicken! Then I took out my dehydrated mashed potatoes, gravy, and chili! Let me tell you it was so fetching good! Me and Elder Roberts were so thankful! It's crazy that this is also my last Thanksgiving in Ghana as well! I'm glad I could make it memorable and festive :) 
As far as the rest of the week went, it went pretty good! I wish more lessons happened but it was still good. The highlight of the week for me personally other than Thanksgiving was Sunday! I guess it always is but this one was special!
We have been going to the district center these past few weeks so we haven't taken the sacrament for that long! So this Sunday was so wonderful. When I took the sacrament I really did feel a peace come over me. I know that the sacrament is so important. Also Christiana was confirmed! So I also got to see her take the sacrament her first time and smile (She said she didn't want to take it until she's baptized.) so it was wonderful to see her smile and be happy. Our mission is also focusing on service so we've been trying to serve everyone we see. I got to wash a member's dishes and fan their charcoal stove for them! I also got to fan for an investigator but it was by force because she didn't want me too. She wouldn't even let me put peanuts in a bag for her! Anyways I love doing service so much! Especially when it involves food...;)
This week it's a short letter with no pictures... So sorry for that. It's the cafe I'm in so yeah. Next week I'll make sure to send you great pictures.

Well everyone, I want you to know that God loves all of you. I want to tell you that I know that the sacrament is so important for us and that it really makes us clean again! I really felt that this week. I know that this gospel is true and that this is really Christ's church on earth. I love you all so much! On to December! 

Love you! 

-Elder Ballard 

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