Monday, February 27, 2017

Snails and Mice

Hello Family, Friends, and Bunny :) 

Whoa, I can't believe that we'll say bye to February this week. That's just crazy! It looks like someone took the clock off the dresser and threw it out the window because it feels like time is flying! (I guess it always has!)

This week wasn't bad! We said by to Ignatius which was more sweet than bitter but we'll still miss his laugh. Then we welcomed Elder Kasuku! From the Democratic Republic of Congo! So he's a French speaker learning English and has been out for 11 months I think! He's 26 and is an awesome guy :)

This week we also went to the market and made some Nigerian food. One thing we had was snails which I was excited for so I could add it to the list. They tasted pretty good too! But in the night time I got the chills and a fever and I was like "Son of a Korihor! Not again!" So I went to bed early. Then during the night I was sick and throughout the morning. SO I would like to caution anyone who is has a white body not to eat snails. It doesn't feel good.

One day all four of us went out contacting together! So that was super fun! We just surrounded people! One would wash their dishes, one would get all their names, and then the remaining two would explain the message and fill out a pamphlet! So it worked pretty well!

But those are the highlights of the week, we had one investigator that came to church named Benjamin so we're trying to teach him.  Also brother Emmanuel goes on his mission on Thursday! So we're saying goodbye to him this week. He's helped us a lot with teaching and translating for us.
Well family I know this gospel is true and that God knows what's best! I know that if we put God's will before our own that we will be blessed. I love you guys!

Elder Ackley was kind enough to send me his pictures so I'll send them as my own!
We killed a mouse in our kitchen, and we took pictures after church.

Have a great week! Love you!

-Elder Ballard

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Second Robbery

Hello Everyone!!! 

Thanks for all your great emails! It means a lot :) 
This week was crazy! We actually had the funnest valentines day I've ever had. Like ever! Our branch actually organized an activity for valentines day! So we went and ate rice, and they even bought us chocolates and plantain chips with decorations! So it was actually really fun. We all wore our red ties that day. :) 

We got transfer news and Elder Ignatius is leaving. (the short Zimbabwean guy in our apartment) so I think the work will move a long faster now as a district. If you catch my drift. :) 
So something that really was torqued my gizzard this week was the we were robbed... AGAIN! They did it on Saturday night while we were sleeping. I think my companion forgot to lock the door. Our new apartment has tons of doors and it's not finished so it's a little confusing. But now the mission is going to super secure the place. So that will be nice. They didn't steal too much. But the thing that hurts the most is that they finally kiped my camera with allll my pictures since July of last year... But at least I've been sending some home. I've also written in my journal everyday so at least I have a written account that will help me see those pictures in my head. I still have my first years though. 

Anyways. That wasn't easy. But we all laughed about it at the end. Thieves are just crazy people. But I do know that God knew it would happen and I'm so grateful we were safe and that not many things were stolen. After we figured everything out we hurried and got ready to go to church. Church was really nice. There's always peace there. Then a member gave us banku and pepe (salsa) afterwards. Then in the evening another member gave us boiled yam and stew, then our Elder's Quorum President gave us Joaloff rice. So everyone felt bad that we lost all our money so we were really grateful for the food. :D Ghanaians are awesome. 
Anyways, just know I'm fine, I'm trying my best and loving this place. Again I'll say that the pains of today magnify the comforts of tomorrow. Romans 5:3-4
·         3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience; and experience, hope
I know that God wants us to be patient people even when someone offends you, (steals from you) etc. There's always something that God wants us to learn everyday. I am so grateful for the things I have. I'm so grateful for this opportunity. :) 

I know God lives and loves us. Keep praying and he'll answer you. I love you guys! Thanks for the love and support!

-Elder Ballard

Monday, February 13, 2017

Four Months to Go

Hello Everyone!

I just want to say first that I love you :) Thanks for all your emails and support you've given me my whole mission. It really means a lot.

Welp... 4 months from today I'll take that one journey through the sky. Once again I'll say that time as flew as fast as Aunt Elsie's macaroni salad at a family reunion.

This week was pretty decent, it went by fast! We went to the gym everyday which was cool. My upper body is what was hurting like a banshee. I couldn't even lift my pillow very high. I've never worked out like this before. We even have a personal trainer and everything! His name is Pino. He's super cool. He's so buff, has earrings, and a huge beard :) I feel really good now though! I hope I can keep up this habit!

There were a couple trials throughout the week. As a missionary, I think about home sometimes. But on Friday, We went out to an area we haven't been to before called Jato. We had to take like a 15 minutes taxi ride on a really dusty road. But when we got there a member showed us around and gave us lots of gifts like a bag of sugarcane, water, and a can of malt drinks (that raisin bran flavored drink) So that was super nice. The member is so cool, he sang songs with us like "Forever Young" and stuff. He's also our branch clerk.

But that day really made me realize that I'll miss the people here so much. I'll miss speaking Twi. I'll miss the food, and so many other things. I do miss my family though. But I'll really try my best to enjoy this place until I go home :) Especially the kind people. Something that came into my mind as I read my scriptures is "The pains of today are there to magnify the comforts of tomorrow." So that's a quote that I wrote down from my head that has helped me. The reason we are here is to determine good and bad hard and easy and every other thing. So that was the lesson I learned this week. I know God knows what we're feeling. Jesus Christ has literally felt those things. So we just need to be patient. Hard times won't last forever :)

I'm so grateful for this experience. It's really helped me to grow and become who I need to be. I love Ghana so much! I'll try and make these next 4 months the best ones yet!

Thanks again everyone! I love and miss you all so much! Have a great week!

-Elder Ballard

The First counselor-an alligator hat

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

New Ironing Board :)

Hello Everyone! I guess my letter got stuck in a satellite or something on the way to you. Just kidding we were stuck in traffic yesterday on the way home so I didn't get a chance to email you. 
This week went fast, and it was interesting. One cool thing is that we've woken up at 5:30 everyday to go to the gym. That's right, Keaton Ballard actually went to the gym. I actually really love it! I feel like I'm way more healthy and have more energy! Except after the leg day I walked like an old woman for 3 days. (latter-day night live and Brian Reagan jokes were always in my mind). But I hope to still do it consistently so I won't look like a toasted marshmallow when I come home. 

We were able to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders which was fun. I went with Elder Harris who's also from Idaho so we made fun of Utah all day. Just kidding. We just talked about potatoes.

We had a great baby blessing in our branch which was awesome! Tons of family came to witness it. 
But nothing else much happened. :) We're getting a new ironing board today, so that's exciting..! But yeah this area has taught me lots of patience just like my first area. It's tough sometimes, but it won't last forever. I know that we can't see with our natural eyes the design of our God for the welfare of us at this time. But he does promise that if we're faithful we'll be rewarded! So that's comforting. This letter is short today, but just know that I'm fine. I'm healthy, safe, and trying my best. So those are a lot of blessings that we should always be grateful for. I know that God lives and loves us. 

"More holiness give me, more striving within, more patience in suffering, more sorrow for sin, more faith in my Savior, more sense of his care." 

I love you all so much! :) Talk to you next week!

-Elder Ballard