Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Second Robbery

Hello Everyone!!! 

Thanks for all your great emails! It means a lot :) 
This week was crazy! We actually had the funnest valentines day I've ever had. Like ever! Our branch actually organized an activity for valentines day! So we went and ate rice, and they even bought us chocolates and plantain chips with decorations! So it was actually really fun. We all wore our red ties that day. :) 

We got transfer news and Elder Ignatius is leaving. (the short Zimbabwean guy in our apartment) so I think the work will move a long faster now as a district. If you catch my drift. :) 
So something that really was torqued my gizzard this week was the we were robbed... AGAIN! They did it on Saturday night while we were sleeping. I think my companion forgot to lock the door. Our new apartment has tons of doors and it's not finished so it's a little confusing. But now the mission is going to super secure the place. So that will be nice. They didn't steal too much. But the thing that hurts the most is that they finally kiped my camera with allll my pictures since July of last year... But at least I've been sending some home. I've also written in my journal everyday so at least I have a written account that will help me see those pictures in my head. I still have my first years though. 

Anyways. That wasn't easy. But we all laughed about it at the end. Thieves are just crazy people. But I do know that God knew it would happen and I'm so grateful we were safe and that not many things were stolen. After we figured everything out we hurried and got ready to go to church. Church was really nice. There's always peace there. Then a member gave us banku and pepe (salsa) afterwards. Then in the evening another member gave us boiled yam and stew, then our Elder's Quorum President gave us Joaloff rice. So everyone felt bad that we lost all our money so we were really grateful for the food. :D Ghanaians are awesome. 
Anyways, just know I'm fine, I'm trying my best and loving this place. Again I'll say that the pains of today magnify the comforts of tomorrow. Romans 5:3-4
·         3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience; and experience, hope
I know that God wants us to be patient people even when someone offends you, (steals from you) etc. There's always something that God wants us to learn everyday. I am so grateful for the things I have. I'm so grateful for this opportunity. :) 

I know God lives and loves us. Keep praying and he'll answer you. I love you guys! Thanks for the love and support!

-Elder Ballard

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