Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Conference Wisdom!

Hey Everyone! Ete sen? Be be ah boco ana?

Thanks so much for your lovely emails! I'm so grateful! I love seeing how happy everyone is especially from conference! I was able to watch the morning session of Saturday and Sunday, just not live or anything :) but I got to watch some and it was amazing! I'm so grateful for prophets and apostles! One talk I just wanted to emphasize was from a seventy (sorry I forgot names.) and he talked about how the Latin root for "disciple" was discipline  which really means "To learn". Then the meaning of "chasten" means "to purify" which was very interesting. Sometimes God has to chasten us (especially after we sin) so that 1. we will learn and 2. we will be purified to perfection :) That talk really touched me to know that guilt and godly sorrow are literally ways to help us learn and be pure. If we didn't have those things we'd keep sinning! Someone also said "Guilt is to the spirit as pain is to the body." which is so true. That was a really interesting talk. Another one I liked was from Grandpa M. Russell Ballard (He's not really my grandpa, 1000 people on my mission have asked me if he is though) where he asked the people leaving the church "To whom shall ye go?" it really made a good point. Some things in the church whether it be policies, doctrines, or teachings might confuse us. But he said that "Just because something isn't understood by you, doesn't mean it's not understandable." I loved that. I've seen a couple of excommunicated members here and their reasons of leaving usually have to do with either sustaining our leaders, or being offended by someone. So it's so important that we always sustain our leaders and love everyone!

The last one I wanted to talk about is Elder Russel M. Nelson's talk about joy. Man I loved that one so much. All of us are literally made to have joy. Whether in hard times or not! I've had so many experiences of that on my mission! Whether it's falling off my bike, having 10 failed appointments in a row, or having a baptism or a good lesson! The thing that has made me most happy is to laugh at everything. But use that counsel wisely. I once laughed at a lady who asked if I wanted intestines in my soup, but she was serious, so it wasn't a good time. :)

In closing I was just happy to see the Prophet Thomas S. Monson talk about the Plan of Salvation. I loved how he said it's familiar to all men because it's true. It's as simple as that! I'm so grateful for that plan so that I can be with my family and loved ones forever. The Plan of Salvation really gives me so much comfort, hope, vision, and trust in God. I don't know what I would do without it. I know so much that these things are true! I can't wait to get the Liahona here so I can read all the talks that were spoken. I know more than ever that these things are true and I can't deny it. This mission has really chastened (purified) me and it has shown me such vision of what life really is about. I am in debt to the Lord for the things I have seen and heard. I am so glad I still have 9 months left to serve and I know that the Lord will lead me safely home.

Thanks again for your wonderful emails! As far as this week goes temporally, it was good! I'm still seeing my area and meeting new people! So nothing to complain about! I'm strong (well... you know what I mean.) healthy and happy! I love this work and I feel so honored to have had this gospel in my life. I'd love to testify all these things to everyone in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
The sky, it's raining more often now!

Twi of the week! 

I think I'm repeating words now... but I'm not sure. :D

Yen Ko Asore (Yen Koh Uh-Soar-ey) "Let's go to church!"

My companion and a Ghanaian pizza! I'm enjoying-o! (Ghanaian English)
Love ya all! Keep being you!

-Elder Keat Ballard  

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