Monday, October 24, 2016

Fufu and Handshakes

Hello Everyone! Thanks so so much for all your emails! It means a ton and a half! 

This week was pretty sweet, but sad at the same time. The reason it's sad is that Elder Kamanda is leaving! Man he's been such a sweet companion! I've loved all my comps so far and I hope it stays that way! :P But Elder Kamanda has been such an example to me. He's the only member in his family, and they didn't  want to go on a mission, but he still went and I know that God will bless him for it. The other crazy thing that happened because of that is that we got invited to eat fufu like 5 times this week. On Sunday we ate two whole meals of Fufu within a 3 hour period. I thought I was going to pop! If someone feeds you fufu, it means that they love you because it takes like an hour and a half (if not more) to prepare it! It's really good, it's just when you eat excessive amounts of food that you have to swallow whole, your body tries to reject it :) Anyways tons of people loved Kamanda. I wish that I had that good of relationships with members in my first area, he has done really well. 
Ebeneezer and Christiana
Other than that we worked hard and are preparing for a baptism next week! Her name is Christiana (the light skinned girl in the picture) and her business partner (and special someone) ;) is a member! So after some years of missionary discussions she's finally ready to be baptized. Her Dad is a pastor and her Mom and brother are Jehovah's witnesses. So her story was kind of like Joseph Smith's. She was one of the people who invited us to make fufu and so she taught me how to turn it while it's being pounded! I'll make sure to send a video sometime. It's really cool and fun to do. The other fun thing about fufu is that everyone eats from one bowl and enjoys together! 
Fufu Party
So tomorrow I'll be receiving my new trainee (son) which is kinda crazy but exciting at the same time. My other son is also training so I'll be a mission grandpa! :D It's also cool that I trained last year at this time. So I guess October is training season for me. I am excited though. It won't be easy but I know that I'll grow close to him no matter who he is or where he is from. I do know that God qualifies who he calls so I feel confident. I know that this church is true and that God loves us individually and that he knows our names. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. :) 
I love all of you so much and I can't believe time is flying how it is. Seems like yesterday I was falling off my bike and not understanding people's accent! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be in Ghana. Whenever two African kids look up at me and smile and laugh I savor it :) I'm going to miss these people so bad. They don't have everything they want physically, but they have everything that they need which is humility, God, and their families. :D I love these people so much. Anyways I guess every missionary is like that to the people he is called to serve. I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!  Love you! -Elder Ballard 

the Suhum Branch Presidency

This is how we shake hands in Africa! I love it

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