Monday, October 17, 2016

Temple Trip

 Dear Wonderful People,

Once again thanks for your grand emails! They made me so happy. This week went by like a roman candle under a lawnmower!
The highlight of this week was that on Tuesday I got a call from our Mission President inviting us to come down to Accra and go to the Temple a couple times!!! I was so happy! It was a wonderful trip as well. I think the Lord really knows when we need his help. When I went to the temple, all my stress, doubts, and fears were swept away and I really felt like I was in God's presence. I am so grateful that there is a temple (a very beautiful one at that) in our mission boundaries and that I get the opportunity in a good while to come and partake of the blessings there. The temple is one of the things that really strengthens my testimony of the restoration of the gospel. The comfort that comes with the knowledge that I can be with my family forever is something that I really know to be true, and something I am really grateful for. That truth is the reason missionaries are out in the long run. We aren't out for baptisms, we're out for eternal families. I also love the quote that says:

"A full time missionary is someone who leaves their family for a time, so that other families can be together for time and eternity."

I love this gospel so much.
Other than that, our proselyting went okay, lots of people traveled and things. But on Sunday a less active named Derek came to church who hasn't come in three months! So I was super happy about that because he's the one who goes out with us to teach. I was giving an improv-talk during sacrament when I saw him :) He's such a cool guy and I'm glad to see him come back. I just hope he keeps coming :P Also this week is Elder Kamanda's last week in Suhum and I'll miss him. He's been a really cool guy and he's shown me an example of what a committed, faithful, missionary should be. He's the only member in his family, but since he's been on mission, his family has been investigating the church so I'm sure everything will go well because of that sacrifice :) So I'll miss him.

I am so grateful for all of you and your love. Thanks for always being there (even though you’re on another continent) and for the prayers on my behalf. I've felt them so much. I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Love, Elder Ballard IV

Twi of the Week:

Meh Ka Twi Ka-kra ka-kra (Meh, Kah, Chree, ca craw ca craw)

I speak twi small small (or a little bit)

Love ya! Have a great week!
Twi Book of Mormon!

I ran into Sister Thatcher, who's been writing my mom, at the temple

Elder Kamanda leaves this week

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