Monday, October 31, 2016

Training Again

Don't worry it's just me :) I hope I didn't scare you. Except sometimes I scare Ghanaian children because of my fair complexion so I guess it would be understandable. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone! Can you guess what I dressed up as? That's right! Elder M. Russel Ballard!! Just kidding. I did dress up like Elder Ballard though, I even got an official tag and everything! ;)

Thanks so much for your wonderful emails! Man Natalee, your costume of being a pregnant cow was perfect! Holy "cow!" ;) also everyone else's costumes were awesome as well! I hope you all are enjoying the holiday, I celebrated by buying some pringles and mountain dew! Which is really something rare here so yeah, we'll also go for some Ghanaian pizza as well, so it will be a great day :)

Elder Joseph and Me
This week was crazy, stressful, awesome, and happy! In other words, I started training! The coolest thing is that I lucked out with the best trainee ever!!! He's from Nigeria (just like my mission father, so I guess it skips a generation) and his name is Elder Joseph. Elder Joseph is 25, and had something happen to him as a kid. At a church activity when he was about seven, he was playing soccer and the ball went across the road. He received it, but on the way back he was hit by a car that was speeding past. The car destroyed his right eye, and cut his right leg in half. He was supposed to die. But through a miracle, he was able to survive, and not only did he survive, but he can walk and run like any other person. In the pictures you can still see his eye that was ruined, but if you just look at his left eye you become used to it very fast :) He is the most humble, caring guy ever because he knows that God kept him alive for a reason and that part of it was to serve a mission. Man I'm so lucky to train him.

We had a decent week! Except our baptism was postponed because the Jehovah's Witnesses have printed out stuff about out church (not true stuff if I might add) and have given it to Christiana to "enlighten" her about the church. Bless their hearts. So it was kind of hard to deal with that but it all came down to telling her to ask God and to read the Book of Mormon. So we'll try and get her to commit to a date this week so she'll be ready.
Other than that, I'm doing great. We'll keep working hard. I can't believe it's already November though, that means Christmas is right around the corner, and that 2017 is on the patio. Fetch! Anyways I know that God sends who he needs to send at his appointed time. I know that God loves us so much. This week I kinda missed home a little bit, but it just made me be grateful for my life even more. I know this gospel is true and that this church is the only right place to be.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Me and my mission posterity! (Elder Tawodzera is training too! So I'm a mission grandpa!) 

Love you all and hope you have a great week!

-Elder Ballard
Me and this member child who was squeezing my face named Lynette :)

October Sunrise

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