Monday, October 10, 2016

Jehovah Witness Friends

Hello!!! I hope everyone is doing great! I know I am! This week went by fast too, plus a whole month already passed again. Now I'm like 15 months or something! That's just weird. :O But this week went pretty smoothly! 

Something interesting that happened was that the Jehovah's Witnesses invited us to discuss with them so we said yes! We biked to this guys house and had a discussion with him and his wife. His name is Boaz and his wife is Naomi. :) They were the nicest Jehovah's Witnesses ever! Usually they just want to bible bash and tell us that we shouldn't add to the bible and other yak. But these people were so nice! They even fed us fried yam and shito! (Sheet-o) Which was amazing! They basically told us about their church (but they don't ever use the word church, they use "congregation") and it was pretty interesting! They also do something like FHE and home teaching which is cool. But as we listened he also said so many good things about our church like "I love how your organization is centered on families, and missionary work, and how it's organized!" In our mind we were like "That's because it was organized by Jesus Christ" but we didn't think it would be smart to tell him that :) So anyways it was a great visit and I can honestly say I have really good friends who are JWs. So yeah we're even learning with them tomorrow. How cool would that be if they caught on to the truth? ;)

The other highlight of the week was that I had the opportunity to dedicate a home this week! It was an awesome experience! The home was mostly just cement and wooden boards for the ceiling so it wasn't very close to be finished. But after I said the prayer, I can honestly say that I felt the Spirit come, and when he came it felt as though I was in my own house at home. I'm just so grateful for the blessings God gives to us all the time! 

This week's letter is short but hopefully sweet. :) But I just want to bear my testimony that we are all in the right place and that God loves us so much. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and for the true doctrine it contains. I know that this is Jesus Christ's church and that the people in the church aren't perfect, but the gospel in the church is. These things I share with all of you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.                       Love you all! Have a great week! 
Our District (The Squad). This was the second take of the picture, because the first one I was the only one smiling. :D I look so weird when I have a serious face. 

More "Bush" Pictures!

Fun with sheets:
                                                                  Finally, after almost four months, the needed package came! 

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